The moment that comes when you have to use your penis for a sexy time.
“Guys it's sexy penis time.”
“Is sexy penis time the wave”
Scenario 1:
“Is it the wave?”
“Is what the wave?”
“Sexy penis time. Bro is it the wave?”
“It’s the WAVEEE!”
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I hear he had sexy sexy time?
Oh yeah? So they like, hugged whilst kissing, right?
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Means to make love, fuck or have sex whatever you prefer to call it
generally said by a male person when referring to a female
was brought about mainly by the Ali G show Borat character
Borat: "I would like to make a sexy time with her"
Guy: "Oh ya man, last night we made a sexy time for a full hour
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The term used when you want to have more than just 'familiar relations' with a woman/man depending on the individual. A phrase made up by Borat, a Kazakhstan news-reporter. Borat is one of three, Comic genius Sacha Baron Cohen's alter-egos.
Borat: When do i get entry to her VirGin?
Girl: Oh Yea! You can shove it up mine right now!
Borat: *clap's hands* Sexy Time!
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During a social gathering, such as a party, over the course of which one drinks, smokes and is at some point in time partially or completely nude.
Girl: "Did you hear about that party this weekend?"
Guy: "Hell yeah! I heard that most of the people there had a sexy good time!"
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When you wish to have sexual relations with a person other than yourself.
Whoa, look at charlotte rayee fucking anders, i want to make sexy time with her, all day err day.
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