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Shish Kabob of Shame Syndrom

(Also known as SAS Syndrom)

An illness in which your throat splits off to form another passage way. So now you have one for air, one for food, and a newly formed throat-hole for sookin' deeks (Throating wieners). This new esophagus extends from the mouth to the rectum, and in some cases, a man with a MASSIVE 10 ft long wiener case stick in all the way down and out your butt. Thereby making you a shish kabob....

**SAS Almost always occurs in: Gypsys, whores, Gypsy Whores, prostitues, prostitots, and Whore dogs named Ginger...

Bill: Dude!

Dude: What?

Bill: did you here about Garrett?

Dude: no! what??!!

Bill: He came down with a nasty case of shish kabob of shame syndrom from throating too many dicks.


by Von mannshaft November 5, 2008

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