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Shit dawg

An exclamation of satisfaction or wonderment, usually delivered by someone intoxicated on illegal substances

Shit dawg motherfucka, I need some pussy right now!

by Colonel Hassle July 28, 2019

6👍 3👎

aww shit dawg

The moment you realize you oded on meth in the living while your 2 year old is dead from thirst and starvation locked in the bathroom

Aww shit dawg! Lil bubby is dead in the bathroom and moomaw on the floor

by Fireworkslut November 8, 2020

eat shit dawg

1)something you say to someone who is pissing you off
2)something you say to an oddball situation

yo eat shit dawg, i fucking hate your guts

by leniew April 14, 2019

say that shit to me dawg

The act of about to be fighting

About to fight

Say that shit to me dawg

by Shah dhdhsh November 29, 2013

4👍 5👎