Subject matter that instantly evokes the stronkiest of sad emotions.
Hey sis, pass me that picture of Dad taken the day before he died in 9/11, ugh, what a shit trigger!
I know we just met last week at IHOP, and sorry for the total shit trigger, but, I’m…I’m pregnant.
I wish Disney would stop putting so many shit triggers in every movies so I could get through just one without sobbing like a tweenage girl.
Subject matter that instantly evokes the stronkiest of sad emotions.
Hey sis, pass me that picture of Dad taken the day before he died in 9/11, ugh, what a shit trigger!
I know we just met last week at IHOP, and sorry for the total shit trigger, but, I’m…I’m pregnant.
I wish Disney would stop putting so many shit triggers in every movies so I could get through just one without sobbing like a tweenage girl.