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shitty cock

its when a girl shits on your cock and then you anal her

That bitch just gave me a "shitty cock".

by sambino lec October 17, 2008

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Shitty cock

This word is used to slag or annoy someone who is into anal intercourse. They should be offended if called this word

Oh my god shut the fuck up you shitty cock

by Rjhehebeuevene March 31, 2020

Shitty pop cock

I pop bottle that looks and feels like a big dick

I found a shitty Pop cock

by Tummy monkey Monday February 6, 2015


The state where one is so intoxicated and/or inhibriated he or she is likely to start screaming into microphones, throw alcohol on people, piss on red jeeps, hook up with an ex-spouse, and more than likely spend a night in jail.

I'll be there later because I have to go bail Jess out of jail, she was shitty-cocked last night.

by dannibitch July 11, 2008