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Onomatopoeia for inserting/slipping one object into another.

Iโ€™m going to shlink into there tonight.

by BigDaddyPJ June 21, 2019


V. To pass or to give

V. To go to a place

Iโ€™m gunna shlink over to your house and shlink your snacklebox.

by Snacklebox April 24, 2023


To cut a nut off

Shit, 10K at nut......Shlink!

by Shlinker123 October 24, 2018

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1. The sound Link's sword makes when darting the shield in the opening credits of "A Link to the Past" for Super Nintendo.

2. Otomatopia for any time a sword is inserted into an object.

3. For the dirty minded Zelda fans, when anything is inserted into something else.

1. do do do do do do do do do boo doo doo dah. SHLINK! Bum dum da daa! Bum dee dum dee dum daa! DAA DAA Daa Daa DAHHHH!!!

2. My sword doth shlink.

3. "Shlink" he said, smiling. "Zelda Perv." she said back.

by Megadecimal July 11, 2008

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When someone puts a bitch into the position of a slinky and pushes that mother fucker down the stairs

Bro I just shlinked that chik

by Extremis- May 9, 2022


a childhood game that turned into a meme. If you are bad at shlinking it is shameful

Hey letโ€™s go play shlink!

by hjjajajahhs January 8, 2020


1) A shitty URL link. A URL link that takes you nowhere are somewhere you did not want to go.

I followed a link from Google News to Informationweek.com but it didn't take me to the article. It took me to the root of their page so I had to hunt down the article again. Then their javascript prevented my back button from returning to Google. I had to mash it to escape their page. It was fucking shlink.

by iateyourcat January 19, 2012

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