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shoo shooin

When someone is back and forth, or just plain bullshitting about a decision or doing something.

Man that cuz shoo shooin with me man, I need my money.

by Ziggy Dubs July 11, 2008

7👍 1👎

Shoo Shooin

to discreetly talk about someone basically gossiping very softly, also talk about someone quietly behind closed doors.

Dang did you hear about Sarah and what she did shhh.... she's right behind the door, don't talk so loud to where she can here is!!! tell me what she did quietly and discreetly!

That's called shoo shooin

by Shoo Shooin June 17, 2021

Shoo Shooin

Basically talking really quiet behind someone's back gossiping discreetly or telling lies about something or someone.

Hey did you see what Sarah did??? No but, keep it down she's next door!! let's talk about it this discreetly where she can't hear us,

Mark now tell me what happened 👿

that's called gossiping discreetly quietly while most likely the person isn't around to defend themselves

Its called shoo shooin.

by Shoo Shooin June 17, 2021