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show your boobs

A community on Livejournal that features many fat and ugly women getting naked and posting pictures of their disgusting breats.

Also contains a plethora of men posting photos of their penises; which are usually small and/or misshapen.

While there is about a 10% margin of hot women who post here, the majority are either extremely obese or extremely ugly. Or both.

No one can tell these people how disgusting they are, due to the community rule of "positive comments only", so many horny/ugly/deperate men comment that these girls are beautiful, thus inspiring them to become inflated in the ego and post more nauseating photos.

That last girl who posted in "show your boobs" was a total butterface!

If her nipples were eyes, she'd be watching the floor all the time!

by boobie lover April 25, 2004

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national show me your boobs day

show your boobs to your special someone on October 14th!

hey baby is national show me your boobs day ;)

by Niack October 14, 2020

national show me your boobs day

show me your boobs day is on October 14th

go up to a girl and tell em its national show me your boobs day!

hey ally show me your boobs baby its national show me your boobs day ;)

by Niack October 14, 2020

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National Show me your boobs day

It's everyday.

Lisa: "oh my do you know what day it is today?"

Jessica: "No...? I don't.."

Lisa: "It's National Show me your boobs day!"

Jessica: "You said that yesterday, and the day before... You say that everyday."

Lisa: "Exactly, now she me your boobs!"

by Femaletypeofgirl April 19, 2021

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National show me your boobs day

Show your boobs to your special someone on Feb 27th!

hey baby is national show me your boobs day ;)

by deezuts7777 February 28, 2023

National Show me your boobs day

Show me your boobs day is on April 29th

Go up to a girl and tell em its national show me your boobs day!

"Hey ally show me your boobs baby it's national show me your boobs day ;)"

by Kid King Kobra April 29, 2022

National show your boobs day

show your bf caleb your boobs

caleb: lemme see your boobs
girl: no
caleb: today is october 27
girl: in that case then okay
national show your boobs day- show your boobs now

by monster.truck69 October 28, 2020