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shredded beef


An attractive young honey, often one with a particularly fly figure.

Nigga you peep dat shit? Fuck son, dat shit was shredded beef!

by Reng June 12, 2008

26👍 15👎

shredded beef

1. adj. A state of being in which one does not feel as one should, as in being deliriously tired or completely and totally drunk beyond reasonable recovery.

2. n. Way of preparing or serving beef in shaved strips. Similar to ground beef.

1. Dan: How many Prairie Fires did you drink, man?

Jon: I had like six and now I'm completely shredded beef. I don't know what's going on.

2. Customer: I'd like two beef tacos.

Geoff: Would you like those with ground beef or shredded beef?

by C.O.K. Squad June 12, 2005

6👍 13👎

shredding the beef

Using one's fingernails while wacking off. Causes the man-pole to bleed. Audie's brother invented it. Feels good.

Yesterday i had a boner all day so i went home and decided shredding the beef would be nice

I've been shredding the beef so much my penis is half the size it used to be.

by Appleman May 11, 2006

27👍 10👎

Shredding Beef

The act of shredding one's vagina.

Joe: Did you go home with that chick last night?

Murr: Oh yeah bro, I was shredding beef all night!

by kevhat September 29, 2014