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It refers to when you look at a person and they look so good it makes you sick, used esp. for females/drag queens/transexual females checking out other females/drag queens/transexual females - but meant completely as an admiration (with a slight connotation of politically acceptable jealousy)

That bitch is SICKENING!!

by Angelstar June 1, 2006

684๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


This refers to somthing that is fabulous, over the top, fierce, the "T", eating it, flawless, frieghtening, nervous talent, etc. All terms coveted by the GBLTQ communities describing something that is extremely pleasing.

Mrs. thing was wearing the most sickening gown I had ever seen. She was just fierce!

by Demicci D. Dior-Britt November 20, 2007

275๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that is insanely good.

A sickening performance.

by Mark Sanger February 2, 2005

179๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something, Someone or an action that is beyond disgusting

1. That dead cat is sickening
2. That bum's oder is sickening
3. It's sickening the way Bush runs America

by textfile232 January 11, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


The definition of a girl who really just makes you feel nauseated when seeing/thinking of/hearing of. Probably ugly, probably fat, stay away from these girls as your friends will laugh about you behind your pathetically-desperate-as-shit back.

nigga #1: Dude, that girls fucking sickening, I can't believe you're dating her.

nigga #2: You're just jealous. I know you used to like her!

nigga #1: What the fuck is wrong with you, you desperate-retarded-piece of shit. Don't try and make yourself feel better by thinking I'd date a fucking overweight nasty bitch like that! That's you! L-O-fucking-L.

by Akjohnny February 19, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling one has when befallen with an unfortunate situation

"You must be awfully sickened that you lost your job"

by hostileturtle December 19, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


To feel or portray disgusting emotions attributed to the lack their of or missing parts of the frontal lobe.

Jordan felt sickened after a night of wheeling swamp pigeons.

Sean sickened the man with the look in his eyes.

by sweetjamesss February 4, 2012