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(verb) To sighle. It refers to the act of sighing and smiling at the same time, especially when you're instant messaging someone you have a crush on. It's also a useful word when blogging cheesy posts.
You can also use it as a noun.

v. She sighled when she noticed he finally got online.
n. Sighles were the only sounds he'd produce. He was sooo in love.

by Ella Unread February 4, 2011


Sighle: An emoticon that does not exist, but needs to be developed. Resembles a smile but is mixed with a sigh, indicating a conflict of emotions, usually surface sadness or anger mixed with underlying love.

"We had a huge IM fight, but when she said she would less than three me forever, I just had to sighle."

by cayrez October 24, 2009

7👍 1👎


A combination of smiling and sighing.

Sighling from being pleased with knowing a person with so much in common exists in the world, but is too far away.
A response to being in a lovely yet melancholy moment.

by Matthew Dolinar November 30, 2007

1👍 2👎