A term created by a fella who wore his GOLDEN Cartier and called it "my new signature watch".
a signature watch can mean a lot of things, including but not limited to:
1- a watch you wear when you want to sign a document.
2- a watch you wear when you want to rock your Gucci dad shoes.
3- a watch to wear when you want to watch (no pun intended) your wife get pegged by the AD that gave you the signature watch.
4- a watch to wear when you want to massage your haemorrhoid.
And you can buy your own Signature watch at teddytheO'learydicksucker.com
Guy 1: look at this fella, he kinda looks like Majin Buu.
Guy 2: yeah, I heard he recently bought his GOLDEN Cartier signature watch.
Guy 3: lucky him, I wish I looked like Majin Buu and had my own signature GOLDEN Cartier!!!