A colloquialism used in the Upper Midwest for ice fishing. Ice fishing mainly involves putting a line into a hole in the ice and then drinking beer, playing cards, and watching sports. Empty beer bottles are dropped in the hole and filled with water to sink to the bottom of the lake. There are usually more bottles sunk than fish caught, thus you're in an ice house "sinking bottles".
Bryce and I spent about 5 hours sinking bottles and didn't catch a single fish. We did get a nice beer blanket on though!
The funni apple juice that is contained in a bottle
that mom and dad say it's too delicious to drink so they hide it under the sink to have it all for them self
Dad and mom in an argument
Dad: you can't spend 100 dollars on makeup
Mom: and you can't spend 200 dollars pc parts
Little timmy: mommy, dad, i drank the funni juice
from under he sink, can you get me more?
Mom: omg he drank from the sink cleaner bottle!
Dad: get him to the er now!
Little timmy: dies