A FOX Animated series with writing that would make even Matt Stone and Trey Parker facepalm, and animation worthy of Hannah Barbara.
It was written by the same people behind Arrested Development, and was probably the idea of some moron FOX executive who just now realized cancelling Arrested Development was a mistake. But instead of bringing it back, they bring this to the table.
It lasted a remarkable three episodes. Frankly, I'm surprised it lasted even that long. The same thing pretty much happened in all three episodes.
If they try to sell a DVD of this, they better have the keyboard cat at the end of every episode, with a title saying "We're so sorry about this" as an overlay. Come to think of it, all bad movies and TV shows should have that. This means you, Land of the Lost!
Nick: Did you see Sit Down, Shut Up last night?
Matt: Nobody did.
16👍 5👎