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1. the opposite of textbook, in terms of appearance or maneuvers; sloppy, sketchy, antitextbook

Did you see that nasty ass kickflip? It was so sketchbook

by eyeloveyoumore March 4, 2007

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(n) derived from the word sketchy. this is a word that describes someone who shows sketchiness to a ridiculous extent.

dude, that stalker kid is such a sketchbook....

by thespatula0224 December 23, 2008

5👍 1👎


A book containing blank pages, generally carried by an artist or someone trying really hard to be aesthetic.

Person 1: Since when was Amethyst an artist? I saw her carrying a sketchbook earlier.
Person 2: She isn't. She just really wants to be trendy.

by mediocrenickname September 8, 2018


written documentation of the proceedings of a party. (The party's "minutes", so to speak) Mainly includes profound words of wisdom spoken under the influence of whatever legal or illegal substances are present, such as "Where'd all these robes come from?" (Natasha, 3:25 a.m., 3/22/03)
As the night progresses and people become "sketchier", the term becomes increasingly relevant to the contents of the book.
Upon reviewing the book at a later time, if you are able to decipher your own scribbling, it can provide fabulous material for ridiculing the other partygoers for their wacky antics and genius-like wisdom.

Person 1: Wait, what? Wait, say that again so I can write it in the sketchbook...
Person 2: Ok... wait... was I talking just then?

by brooklyn516 September 20, 2004

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Sketchbook Sketchbook

The notebook Moriah Elizabeth uses to roughly barking sound effect here draw out her sketches before drawing them in her actual sketchbook.

Moriah: before they become sketches in the sketchbook, they become sketches in the sketchbook sketchbook.

by Aiko_Aoyama November 7, 2020

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Sketchbook Friend

During a night of drinking, the first friend to pass out then becomes a 'sketchbook' for all those in possession of a sharpie. This friend is subsequently photographed and posted to Facebook, thus becoming a Sketchbook Friend.

It looks like I'm about to have a new Sketchbook Friend

by Ilam Nebrann August 22, 2010

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