the sound a car makes when they are gonna get tf outta there so skr skr means your gonna get out there quick as a bitch, usually used as a term you say with your friends though as a joke.
dude: wanna fight?!
Me: skr skr
Dude: damn that little shit got away
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The phrase your friend keeps shouting when you are walking to town to buy some food and you really want to tell him that the hip-hop he listens to is crap and skr skr means nothing.
But you then join in
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a Canadian comedian doing a show in china, and use "skr skr" to show his stupidness.
I am Kris Wu, I am so Skr skr.
When you speak to a friend, you might say this. It is something you say casually as a greeting or a way of showing you are good friends. It expresses your mood, most often happiness and chill-ness. Most of the times it is randomly said as nice premium banter.
Joe: Suh dude!
Rob (Hip af): skr skr
Joe: haha your so funny!
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A famous not well-acknowledged Canadian Rapper/Singer use this word as an adjective on Chinese TV show to describe how amazing the thing/person is....
One amazing things/song/person appears
Famous not well-acknowledged Canadian Rapper/Singer: This is very Skr Skr...
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“Giselle’s my bias but I do understand why people hate her, I mean skr skr on who, gigi???”