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Skubala is a Slavic surname derived of the meanings S'Kubala; son of kubala which translates to Jacob / follower. The son follows the father. It also has merged into the languages of Czech and Polish mean mean tearing up or picking up.

Skubala her jewellery.

by RoyaSzafir July 4, 2014

59👍 7👎


This is a Greek word that is the equivalent to the modern English word "shit." Skubala is a rare word, used only in Philippians 3:8 in the New Testament. Dung, rubbish, refuse, and a loss are various inaccurate translations of the Greek word. No translation accurately translates this term to its modern English equivalence: "shit." The word means "excrement" either animal or human. It is a very strong word!

Philippians 3:8
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung (shit: Paul's intended power if this word is neglected) , that I may win Christ.

21st century KJV

Ex 2: All that schooling I went through is skubala now that I won the $200,000,000 lottery.

by Darin A October 31, 2006

111👍 53👎