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slap hands

A term from the movie The Waterboy when Bobby Boucher gives or asks for a high five

Also can be used when you give or ask for a high five

*note* when said must be said with a hard lisp

*Guy 1* Hey! SLAP HANDS! *puts up hand for high five*

*Guy 2* SLAP HANDS! *high fives hand*

by Soberburnout July 28, 2009

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slap hands

The act saying no, then slapping the knuckle side of your left hand, with the palm of your right hand. It's a sign that really expresses how wrong the other person is in a conversation, or any other way that "no" needs to be heavily expressed. Can also be used instead of saying, "no, never again". Can be expressed as an acromyn over chat, with "sh, no" or just "sh".

Tom: Lets go watch Zoombafoo!
Andrey: No, -slap hands-.

by Andrey T. January 8, 2007

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Slap Hand

the hand you use to jerk off with

Shane put his slap hand in Zack's mouth.

by Nick Shane November 26, 2007

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Slap hands

When one guys hits it in the pink, and one guy hits it in the stink, and they literally "slap hands."

Dude, we just slapped hands on that bitch.

Hey, do you want to get together and slap hands on Chelsea later tonight?

by Out of control June 4, 2013

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Hand slap

Synonymous with the phrase High Five.

You like Simon and Garfunkel too? Hand slap!

by Kokapetl January 19, 2009

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Hundred Hand Slap

(hun'drid hand slap)

- n.
1. The one Street Fighter move that EVERYBODY knows how to do.

2. E. Honda's signataure move from Capcom's "Street Fighter" video game series. Performed by pressing any punch-button rapidly.

From Japanese "Hyaku Retsu Harite" (lit., "Hundred Violent Sumo Hands")

β€˜The first move I ever learned in Street Fighter was the hundred hand slap.’
β€˜Dude, don't be cheap. Quit doing the hundred hand slap.’

by Jacopo November 19, 2007

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Black Hand Slap

taking someone by the collar/turtle neck and slaping them back and forth with the top and under sides of your hand and saying saying bitch ass nigga over and over
sorta like the back hand slap, but with the words nigga, bitch, and ass in any sort of order, but must include the word nigga, i.e. the "black" hand slap

Nate: d00d jessica just broke up with me
Joe: so.....
Nate: *starts to cry*
Joe: *takes hand and graps nates shirt and starts Black Hand Slapping him* nigga, get your bitch ass together *x7 times*

by JOENDNATE June 20, 2007

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