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Sleep Talking

The act of answering a telephone call or having a conversation with someone while sleeping, then later having no recollection it took place.

Best utilized when asking favors of friends they would normally not agree to.

Ryan: Hey John where are your car keys at? I'm going to be late for my date tonight.

John: Huh? I didn't say you could borrow my car...

Ryan: Yea you did, I asked you this morning before I went to work at 5:30 and you said it was cool.

John: Yea, I was sleep talking, ass hole.

Ryan: That sounds like a personal problem, now give me your keys!

by Mr. Bad April 28, 2011

Sleep Talking

when you say random shit in your sleep without knowing it

scout:gotta burn the grocery store before five five o'clock
spy:don't get your hopes up, scout's just Sleep Talking

by raybeez February 20, 2022