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Slut Phase

A phase that most women go through, typically before settling down for marriage. Can also be as they hit their 30's and are still single or are divorced. Divorced women often go through this again in a big way.

It's a bit of a misnomer actually, as it's more "delightfully trampy" behaviour than true (destructive) sluttiness.

Yeah, you should definitely date Jenna - she's hitting her slut phase hard right now.

Don't worry about it, you're just going through your slut phase right now - just enjoy it.

by King T December 8, 2006

168πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž

Slut Phase 2.0

Many women (and men) hit a phase later in adolescence wherein they value quantity rather than quality of their sexual liasons. This phase generally only lasts a year or two, but can be revived by a significant event later in life (i.e. bad beakup, divorce, graduate school, etc).

In Business School, everyone hits Slut Phase 2.0 -- this shit is BANANAS

by z.shoeman March 6, 2014

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Slut Phase

A phase in which girls start talking to men more. This normally filters out sluts from other women.

She’s just going through her β€œslut phase”

by Dhdhsidndh May 6, 2022