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smart drugs

Prescription narcotic cognitive enhancing drugs taken in pill form or crushed and snorted. they are used to boost concentration and improve memory. Up to 25 per cent of American students are using them to help with studying and to improve grades. Many colleges and universities are questioning the ethical issues and risks associated with taking these drugs.

Adderall, modafinil and adrafinil are most common and are now as easy to obtain as a copy of “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

Students seeking a competitive edge on their finals will pop some smart drugs.

also known as: study buddies, brain steroids

by justcuze January 19, 2013

5👍 2👎

Smart drug theft

Smart drug theft is when someone steals your smart drugs. They might steal your Modafinil, Armodafinil, Sunifiram, N-Acetyl-Selank, NSI-189, 9-Me-BC, Phenylpiracetam Hydrazide, Choline, Omega 3's, B Vitamins, -Carnitine, Thiopropamine (TPA), Methiopropamine (MPA), Ethiopropamine (EPA), Prolintane, D,L-Deprenyl, and more.

Tyler: Hey, that jackass wearing a black mask stole my Modafinil! It's smart drug theft!

by CognitiveFuel September 8, 2023