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smoke canada

to smoke pot/weed/cannabis/marijuana/etc.

-Hey dude, do you want to go out back and smoke canada?

-Yo, I really want to smoke some canada right now.

-Joe's in his room, smokin' canada.

by Zombiesplease January 28, 2009

12👍 3👎

rope smoking canada lover

one whom is almost too gay to function and is from canada and actually enjoys being there. if you enjoy living and banging the same sex you may as well move there. you are not considered a canadian rope smker if you are being held there against your will, in that case you would be an american rope smoker which is automatically better even a gay basher would hug as long as you were american.

daniel powter is a rope smoking canada lover and that my friends is the reason he had a bad day.

by katidid May 10, 2006

9👍 42👎