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Another word for the Erase tool in Photoshop. If you're a retard that doesn't have knowledge.

"I was photoshopping the other day, and my buddy told me to use the smoothener. I instantly called him an idiot, and proceeded to write this definition.

by CamMartians November 15, 2015

2👍 3👎


When EC2 Spot, Amazon's spare capacity compute at a discount, switched from bidding to max price. Cost-per-hour and instance interruptions both got smoother. Spot users were, and still are, as smooth as possible. Coined by an appreciative (and marginally hilarious) customer.

After The Smoothening, EC2 Spot customers saved even more on their cloud computing without even trying.

by daSteveCo June 10, 2021

The Smoothening

A worldwide event that will occur in the far future in which every living person will undergo surgery to remove their genetalia, leaving only a smooth patch of skin in its place.

(Like a Barbie doll, but on human beings)

This will bring about a new, genderless version of the Human race.

As a result of the smoothening, the world sure is a better place! People are happier without sexual impulses, and there is less descrimination too!

by PreownedQuasar June 17, 2021

Chocolate Smoothener

That device used to smoothen chocolate, often referred to as melangeur by the less intelligent.

Imma throw those cocoa beans in the chocolate smoothener.

by Connor69gaymer420yeet May 14, 2020