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snatch outs

comin from eastside knox. replaceable ice out or gold teeth.take out for cleaning or while sleeping

lil dubs snatch outs is hard

by uh oh rep 865,706,&423 4 life July 9, 2004

7👍 4👎

Snatch out

Pleading guilty to a criminal charge as soon as possible after a reasonable plea deal has been offered, to avoid the risk of a more severe sentence; sometimes done for the sole purpose of causing one's self to be transferred from an unfavorable jail to a state prison.

Also serves as a means of denial, whereby the defendant can claim to have 'snatched out' not because of actual guilt, but because he wanted to 'get his time started'.

Inmate: "they ain't got shit on me, cuz, but I'm bout to snatch out so they can get me on up out of Mississippi County."

Friend: 'why not fight it and beat the case?'

Inmate: "man, I ain't tryna sit in this county jail for no 9 months... I'm just gonna snatch on out."

by MODOC May 9, 2013

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