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Also known as "shoveling good snow after bad," snowception is a phenomenon found primarily in New England and Antarctica. It happens when a stubborn person becomes trapped in an Eternal Shoveling Loop after he or she began shoveling snow too early. Signs snowception has occurred and you are stuck in an Eternal Shoveling Loop include dehydration, fatigue, and muttering or cry-screaming repeatedly, "Papa always said never do the same job twice! Measure twice, cut once! I'm so cold, so cold, the light is calling ... I feel warm, peace ... the snow and I are one. The snow is mine. This is my snow. I am the snow."

"There have been 18 reported cases of snowception so far this year."

"The best way to avoid snowception is to make someone else shovel your driveway."

"Donny? He got snowception, bro. He's out of it."

by Rude Horse March 13, 2019