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So Popular

A sad freak (Often Ginger and often called Rob) who is so out of touch with reality that they call themselves "So popular" when in fact the only reason people talk to them is because they have the same allure to normal folk as those fascinated with rubbernecking over the gore to be seen at a fatal car accident on the opposite carriageway.

Rob never requests friends on Facebook because he thinks he is so popular yet secretly cannot understand why people always request his friendship, even though he is ginger and has a wonky eye

by 0207LH January 21, 2014

8👍 1👎

Im so popular!

"Im so popular" is a phrase used when a lot of people add you on Snapchat.

"Omg Diego and Cassy added me on snapchat! im so popular!

by libertyhammond March 16, 2019

1👍 1👎