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soft head

To not critically think. To not analyze or survey a given situation. Not to be confused with being hard headed and being stubborn; a soft headed person is to be air headed and unable to think at all.

Person 1: “yup (player) turned down 105 million guaranteed

Person 2: “Really? A soft head. I don’t know how many words to describe him”

by CriticallyCasual June 24, 2020


Always cry when an animal is killed in Minecraft, think dogs are scary, think snakes are slimy, always cry for exceptionally dumb things. Generally not very resilient and very fragile.

My sister is a real Soft-Head. She literally balled her head off when I beat her in Mario Kart Wii. And the worst part is that she is 12 whole years old!

by Kingdom Miracle November 30, 2020


"Soft In The Head" refers to the modern male, using brains before bollocks and has the opposite meaning of machismo which is considered a negative in modern, global society. It indicates intelligence and thoughtful process.

Its better to be "soft in the head" than a moronic egomaniac who uses everything but his brain.

by Muse Of The World November 25, 2011

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