The last drink of the night.
Synonym: night cap
Pour me a soft landing before I go to bed.
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Laying a carpet of toilet paper over the surface of the toilet water before taking a dump so it does not splash.
I knew my boss was in the next cubicle so I had to make it a soft landing.
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To dump someone in a gentle "it's not you" way.
I started dating this new woman.
Don't you have two other girlfriends already?
Yeah, but I gave them a soft landing. I told them I won't have enough time for them anymore.
To have a means of coming down from intoxication that results in fewer adverse effects. A soft landing usually involves either having a reduced intake of the substance used or using an alternative to reduce the impact of coming down from that substance. In addiction this is hard to achieve.
John used a 6 pack of beer to have a soft landing after his heavy weekend of partying.
To throw your enemies from a significant height - not unto a hard surface, but rather a soft one so that their bodies are broken and they live the rest of their lives in misery.
Peter has taken the scheme too far. He is at risk of receiving a Hangzhou soft landing