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son of a cunt

When a situation has escalated past the point of using the mild term "son of a bitch" it has become a son of a cunt.

"son of a bitch Johnny the brakes on the car are not working", "son of a cunt Stan here comes a semi truck!

by smendez April 4, 2010

65👍 6👎

son of a cunt licker

1. A person who has a parent or parent's who like to lick cunt.

2. Another way of saying son of a bitch or son of a fuck.

A son of a cunt licker is generally a person you do not like. Some guys like to do this and some do not. Some girls like to do this and some do not. Some girls like having this done to them and some do not.

by Brian1299 May 15, 2007

26👍 6👎

Son of a Mother Cunting Cunt

swear word pornography, that's the only way I can describe it,

anyone on the receiving end better buckle the fuck up.

Dave: So she stole grabbed the money, your PC, stole your car and drove for the border.

Bill: If i see that Son of a Mother Cunting Cunt again i'll cut her head clean off her shoulders.

Dave: ...

by M4Shermanator1776 October 19, 2018