1. The act of purposefully avoiding asking someone on a date that is mildly interested in order to build intrigue for the eventual asking. Usually waiting past the point of disinterest, annoyance, impatience and insignificance because you're not being asked until there is a want to be asked out.
2. When someone doesn't ask you out long enough that you are almost busting at the seams for them to ask you out
Root being the Sonic introducing its commercials in the NY Metro area years before a Sonic was built in the NY Metro area. That by time a Sonic was built, everyone felt a need to be at one
"Wow, Tony finally asked me out on a date. I've been waiting so long for this I'm excited"
"You totally got Sonic'd"
When You get LEGO Sonic'd, It means you have been turned into a gay femboy known for loving Five nights at Freddys Characters and writing My little Pony Fanfiction by the Character of LEGO Sonic.
I can't believe Haise from Overhaul FighterZ got LEGO Sonic'd.