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Sophocle is a little guy often very very shy but very sweet. He's a thinker and doesn't like to talk in front of people he doesn't know, and doesn't go up to them by himself. He is very sensitive and easily hurted by people but Sophocle can forget about it. He has a nice sense of humor and is very cheeky to his mate, because sophocle is most of the time GAY. But everyone loves a sophocle in his life, so if you find one on your way, put him in your pocket.

-I dont think he really likes me..

-Nah, dont worry, he's just a sophocle.

by Dezlem October 30, 2016

8👍 2👎


A soap brand.

I use Sophocles... Well not really

by Sabian June 3, 2004

5👍 15👎

According to Sophocles, I gotta get outta here!!!

This phrase is used when you are caught up in your words, and aren't making any sense, and you need to get out as soon as possible, so you decide to turn to a famous playright to make yourself look educated and get out of the situation before it is too late!!!

"If you have a goat as a pet, it will eat everything!" "Well, DUH, that's why they call them goats!!!" OH god, according to Sophocles, I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!!

by According to Sophocles... July 13, 2007

6👍 5👎