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A girl who thinks she is not important but really is. She has very good caring and loving friends. She also is smart but doesn't know it.

Wow Sose this painting is extraordinary.

by epellapa June 26, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž



the most boring thing they teach you at school its absolutely useless all you learn about is dead people and how many wads of chewing gum is under the desk

SOSE ,NEVER USE THIS WORD OR FAIRY UNICORN LAMAS WILL EAT YOUR SOUL ,use 'the subject that must not be named' instead.

by RANGOMAN November 26, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Really Ugly Bitch With A Big Ass Nose And Forehead Who Could Use Plastic Surgery

That Sose Bitch Be So Fucking Ugly I Jus Wanna Smack Some Common Sense Into That Big Ass Forehead

by ArmenianHoez818 March 7, 2023

Merk Sose

When you fuck shit up (in a good way ofcourse), in pretty much any sense.

Dude, last night, i saw Betty Bose Merk Sose on the beer pong table. She was crazy good.

by Betty Bose June 2, 2011

I sose you

Another way to say ( ilove you) to someone

My life would be dark without ur light , I sose you my girl

by Muncef๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป August 9, 2022


A misspelling of the last name of the character Keyser Sรถze from the film "The Usual Suspects".

Well, I believe in God and the only thing that scares me is Keyser Sose.

by shaqfuture April 25, 2019

sose geng

A not so popular 6 person gang that robs kebabs stores in Sydney's west, more particularly in hassall grove.

Did you hear about sose geng robbing the kebab store ?

by Sose entrepeneur August 9, 2021