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The edgiest, most interesting way of describing something that is deemed as scary by people, but not by you. Usually used in a sarcastic form to something that doesn't seem too scary, usually done to annoy people who have background experience with the traditions of chatting on the Internet.

Usually used on the Internet by Internet addicts. Similar to the lack of actual laughter when using lel.

Person 1: My boyfriend's grandmother tried calling me today. I feel confused and scared, I mean, he's my boyfriend's grandmother after all... I don't know her..

Me: sp00ky

by LeEmil December 25, 2013

36👍 4👎

sp00ky boyes

The upmost important part of the homosapien species known to date. These boyes have unlocked their full potential and embrace their sp00ky side when they deem it necessary.

Sp00ky boyes: The sp00kiest of all of the boyes

by Skelitone November 6, 2017