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spa water

a term created by white colonizers who think they're creative! "spa water" is actually called agua frescas. It is a refreshing and hydrating drink made from fruit, seeds, or herbs. It includes water, sugar and ice.

"Lets go get some spa water!!!" "you crazy ass bitch u mean agua fresca?? anyways i saw a lady selling it down the street, lets go cracker"

by chaeyoungslefttat July 23, 2022

Spa Water

Auga Fresca's white cousin from her mom's side.
A drink that rose to fame on TikTok due to its exact resemblance of a popular Latin American drink.

"I just went to the swap meet and you're not going to believe it. They sold spa water there! But for some reason they labeled it in some funny language."

by Ga1laxy August 1, 2022