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Splash pad

A random number of toilet paper sheets that one sets into the toilet before having any bowel movement that would cause the water to splash on one's ass.

Dude, I forgot to lay down a splash pad this morning before my beer shits and now my toilet is a mess.

by Sakaballz January 16, 2011

25👍 4👎

Splash pad

Post-sex, when laying down and cum drips from your vagina to your butthole then you toot

*farts* ope watch out that one was a splash pad

by jaytes March 12, 2022

1👍 2👎

Splash Padded

(Verb) - When a girl is laying on your back and you fart into her vagina.

Bro, I just splash padded the fuck outta my girl this weekend. The vibration turned her on!

by Milano325i August 18, 2019

Splash Pad

(noun) A bed.

Most commonly a well-made bed belonging to a bachelor who frequently uses it to perform sexual activity with his dates.

Splashpad splash pad bed bachelor master bedroom one night stand hook-up

This night is going great, let's go back to my place, I'd like to take you to my splash pad, we can have a lot of fun!

by A.Smile.Always January 3, 2020

splash pad

the space between the bottom of your nose and top of your lip. (where snot and spit often compile)

Girl 1: That guy is hot. GO make out with him.
Desperate Girl 2: Hell no. He's got snot on his splash pad.

by Careili February 21, 2010