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Squatted Truck

A squatted truck is a truck that has a lift kit and the owner decided they weren’t gonna lift up the ass end of the truck or didn't have enough money for the full lift so the front of the truck is pointing up and the rear is pointing down.

Look at that squatted truck over there it’s a real peice of shit

by TheCarGuys December 5, 2019

66πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

squatted truck

someone who didn't want to lift the ass end of the truck and wants to be called gay by a lot of people

oh that's a gay guy with a squatted truck

by qscfthmlp= January 21, 2021

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Squatted truck

Something a gay guy drives and thinks it looks cool normally a city slicker.

Hey look there’s a fag with his squatted truck.

by Countryboy69 December 31, 2021

41πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Squatted trucks

A gay man who loves licking sausages

I like squatted trucks that means I’m gay

by June 20, 2022

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Carolina Squat trucks

pickups lowered in the rear… usually with loud exhaust systems

brad and jerry’s Carolina Squat trucks are annoying as hell.

by justme62 September 21, 2021

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Squatted truck disease

squatted truck disease is typical for people who have an uneven amount of chromosomes in their system, therefore, they do not think like the rest of us, and mostly live in their own world. Commonly outcasts from society, especially in middle school, they were bullied mainly because of their inability to walk, speak, think, and even communicate In any form.

Due to this, they decided to do the unspeakable rebellious act in order to stand out in society that they decide to lift the front of their truck and lower the back. In doing so, suicide rates in a variety of different ages have increased drastically.

I always knew the sped kid would get squatted truck disease

by DozenthPear8905 September 13, 2021

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

squatted truck owner

A squatted truck owner is someone who has a few extra chromosomes and smokes meth well building the truck to where the front of the truck is lifted in the air so when you're driving all you can see is the sky. There though process causes them to become very hostile. you manage to see a gaggle of Squatted truck owners you can see them rev their engines well impersonating a bird by throwing their arms up and down and jumping in there truck's bed. they are an extremely unintelligent species of you're more typical human. they tend to think they are the best at everything but in reality, nobody likes them for there extensive meth use and there obnoxious nature

you look there's a squatted truck owner lets go beat him up

by The big mamma t November 15, 2021

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