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stacked in the back

A girl who has ONE HELL OF A MOTHER LOAD of an ass. One girl who's ass is the size of fat bastard and makes all the boys drool and say "DAMMMN BABY!!"

Damn baby your so stacked in the back!!

by Marykate June 10, 2005

13👍 4👎

Bring Them Stacks Back

To "bring them stacks back" is rarely performed by someone of high placement. Usually someone of high status will throw money in a strip club and gets a majority of it back because of their heavy influence on women.

A man in the strip club is throwing money and making it rain on a stripper; he later takes her to the vip section where other things go on, and he ends up getting a large portion of his money back from "putting her on" or by having her "bring them stacks back". He basically is a smart pimp!

by John Doe So Real December 1, 2013