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State capitalism

State capitalism” is a term that’s been used for over 100 years by economists and others to describe a system where the state employs the workers, pays their wages, sells what’s produced to make profits etc (instead of private employers doing this). Many people don’t know that what came about it Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea etc was state capitalism, and was never socialism or communism (i.e. a society where the people collectively own and control the means of production). In fact, the class-free, state-free, money-free socialism/communism that Marx and Engels wanted and wrote about, has not yet begun.

Those people who ludicrously think Russia had socialism or communism should read a history book about Lenin, then they would realise that he repeatedly said he wanted "state capitalism" for Russia and he said that it would be "a great success".

by Economics Professor February 24, 2023

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State capitalism

A funny word from Communism

"Nooooooo it wasn't real communism it was state capitalism"

by dank me me me October 7, 2020

6👍 11👎

State capitalism

An economic system where the state owns the means of production

It is a subject of debate whether state capitalism was the system of the Soviet Union and China, however I would argue that they were both state socialist (something that originated from these places)

by Donna tramp February 10, 2021

15👍 59👎

State Capitalism

Origin; late 20th century socialist academia and media.

A catchall euphemism ascribed by apologetic socialists to the destructive economic policy, human rights abuses and totalitarian dictatorship of every failed or remnant Marxist regime. Often employed despite the prohibition of private property, extreme economic intervention by the state, broad based central planning and state domination of all aspects of individual life under those oppressive Marxist dictatorships.

ThE ECoNomy oF tHe SoVieT uNioN WAs StATe CapitAliSm, lIkE cHiNA Is toDay. rEaL cOmMunIsM HaS nEvER bEeN triED.

by Smitty Jim October 12, 2019

9👍 18👎

Maine state-capital excuse

"Augusta". Used to absolve someone of blame for assorted objects' being messily scattered about.

Da classic "Maine state-capital excuse", in knock-knock-joke form:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Augusta, who?
Augusta wind musta blown all those things around --- I never touched 'em.

by QuacksO February 15, 2023