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stealth dating

When a couple doesn't tell their parents they're dating

Alex's parents would kill him if they found out he had a girlfriend, so he is stealth dating Katie

by Ashipper March 13, 2015

3👍 1👎

stealth date

1. stealth date -(noun) A date where one of the two people doesn't know it's a date, i.e. trying to come in under their radar; a date that one or both people don't admit is a date

2. stealth dating -(verb)a.k.a. 'stealthing'- Dating someone (or thinking you are) without telling them; deliberately misleading the other person as to romantic intentions; dating someone without admitting to them, your friends, or yourself that you are actually dating

He said he was okay just being friends, and then I found out he was stealth dating me!

What? She insisted on paying? That was a stealth date!

Amy said you two never dated, but you guys were stealth dating.

by Trulee & Christie December 12, 2006

21👍 6👎