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simon stinkt

A popular german game similar to Simon Says,

you find someone who is called Simon and run around him while shouting SIMON STINKT.

Then he gets pissed off and cries.

Er sollte sich waschen!

by Bari June 21, 2005

56👍 11👎

Livia stinkt

Livia smells like shit she smells so bad that if you smell her you die. KEEP DISTANCE from her!!!

Livia stinkt so haaaart

by Madeleneee July 7, 2020

7👍 10👎

Finn S. stinkt

The fact that Finn S. exists

You know that Finn S. stinkt?
Yeah I know

by DerAllwissendeOsterhase May 13, 2022


Another word for someone named Cleo or Babs.

Stinkt walked in the room.

by Virtuoos December 11, 2021

Mike stinkt

A mike does a big stink

Damn bro Mike stinkt

by neger1337 November 28, 2020