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when you fart and it lingers in your pants

don't let that fart stinkubate waft it.

by stinkubate December 20, 2006


The space between the bedsheets where farts ripen and mature

After a dinner of white navy beans and turkey, my wife and I went to bed and created a memorable stinkubator under the covers with several hours of flatulence.

by sexpissdull May 16, 2011


(verb) (from: stink + incubate) To pull the covers over the head of your bedmate after you fart, causing them to suffer the full effect of the stench.

"OH GOD! I can't believe you stinkubated me. Ewwwww!"

by Diodeus May 18, 2007

4👍 1👎


An STD incubator. Someone who has had so many sexual partners that he/she has or has had multiple STDs.

Mike: "Dude look at that hot chick over there!"
Todd: "Stay away from her! She's at the health clinic every week! She's a stinkubator!"

Tammy: "Damn! He's had genital herpes, genital warts, AND chlamydia! He's a stinkubator!"

by Angela G February 16, 2008

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