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A idiot from the Neo Nazi website Stormfront.org. Known for believing outdated stereotypes, treating everything they don't agree with them to being part of a conspiracy theory, accusing everyone that isn't of the same view of being part of the JIDF, ect.

Stormon's are often known for being Attention Whores and seeking attention outside their cesspool of a website

When encountering a Stormon make sure to always have a sense of humor as it is easy to troll them.

by Libertatis September 26, 2010

25👍 2477👎


a stoner mormon kid
stoner + mormon = stormon

-whats up tweaker bitch?
- nothing stormon, what up with u?
- going to smoke
- no shit that what a dumb question

by tweaker bitch February 22, 2005

1👍 3👎