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This is some random ass french dude with the biggest ego in the whole amv community. He also thinks he is above humanity in skill level compared to everyone else. He takes editing so serious on a degree as if it’s the world cup football.

He hates every clone there is, specifically Xqndros clones. Meanwhile he makes stiff glitch, jugg and shitty mograph edits and cried because he got rightfully declined by a clan called AE7.

He is also part of the anti-naruto group, this group hates all naruto editors and refuse to edit the anime theirselves.

He will decline every naruto or rotation edit, and if it really comes to it he will decline your whole family.

Stormx is defined as:

“Oh is that a rotation, decline”

“That’s nardo, decline”

“Could you please stop cloning xqndros

Xqndros, stop collabing with your clones”

by Amvgod August 30, 2020