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A cool teacher, known for letting people in late and yelling at kevin.

"Guys...guys? guys guys guys? Guyyyyyyysss...."


"gimme a Z enter E enter"

by El Barto March 26, 2004

4👍 1👎


A round little asshole who doesn't do anything for you, but wants you to do everything for him. He also will give your starburst away without your permission.

Ryan: "Why is grade 9 the only year stravato doesn't teach?"
Mike: "I dunno"
Ryan: "Cause that's the only year you learn anything!! SNAP!"

by Mike Somename November 19, 2004

3👍 4👎


A pompous asshole, usually found sitting in his chair and bossing people around.

"Escape, escaoe escape escape.."
"Gimme a z-enter e-enter"

by Captain pwn@ge March 23, 2004

6👍 6👎