A motivated criminal apprehension specialist typically (but not always) on the 2nd shift or 3rd shift of a police force's patrol unit. Engages with the community hourly, gets involved, and builds bridges by jumping over fences and taking down thugs. A Street Goon protects the community first then asks/answers questions later.
Rochelle: that bald white patrol cop looks like Mackey from The Shield and has a really mean-looking resting face. I do not know if he is a good cop or not.
JaQuan: he is a good cop: he's what we call a Street Goon. When he's not sleeping, cooking 8-egg+rice+tuna burritos, and benching weights ín his garage between shifts he is protecting our ghetto-ass hood. He is the quintessential Dennis Rodman of police officers--the garbage man that does the dirty work nobody else wants to do.