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Strike 3

A term for having 3 things wrong with you. For example, a ginger, a jew, and from New Jersey. (from south park).

"Dude, I found out I'm Jewish today!"
"God damn it Joel, this is strike 3!"

by Kek_Water March 13, 2016

6👍 3👎

Strike 3

A pop punk band out of Columbia, MD. Their most popular songs include "Oblivion" and "Rocketship".

Yo, did you catch that band Strike 3 last night?

by Strike 3 fan May 8, 2006

9👍 11👎

3 strikes

When a man attempts to find his "soul mate" by trying to cum within the span of 3 pumps. If he doesn't, she's out.

man, he was out cold within 3 strikes, she must be the one

by Sister Angelina May 6, 2020

3 strike rule

If you strikeout 3 times in a week you get to do whatever you want without your partner caring

3 strike rule means if you strikeout you’ll get punished

by jojosiwaaaa April 15, 2024