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strung over

Combination of being strung out and hung over

Dude, I'm really paying for all the beer and coke last night. I'm so strung over I can barely think.

by ts August 27, 2004

50👍 4👎

strung over

to be suffering from the unpleasant physical effects following the heavy use of drugs (with or without the use of alcohol), particulary drugs that deprive the user of sleep

after staying up all night on acid, i was feeling strung over

by larry burns October 4, 2004

50👍 8👎

Strung Over

Being strung out on drugs and hung over on alcohol at the same time.

Often caused by excessive partying and raving.

I cannot believe how strung over I was last sunday

by M R KLYE March 29, 2015

3👍 1👎