Suicide baiting is an action made by a group of people towards someone who is actively threatening or attempting suicide.
1: “Hey, heard you were gonna jump off the roof.”
2: “Go on, do it.”
3: “Do a flip if you can.”
4: “Make it something worthwhile to watch.”
5: “You guys know that’s suicide baiting, right?”
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The act of convincing someone that you just committed suicide or are about to commit suicide.
Guy 1: Hey, did you hear? Guy 3's exe tried suicide baiting him
Guy 2: What the fuck?
23👍 31👎
Suicide baiting is the action of encouraging someone to kill themselves, done by a group of people towards someone who is actively threatening or attempting suicide.
1: “Hey, heard you were gonna jump off the roof.”
2: “Go on, do it.”
3: “Do a flip if you can.”
4: “Make it something worthwhile to watch.”
They are trying to suicide bait someone into jumping off a roof.
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Encouraging someone to commit suicide
"Why don't you go take a swan dive off the roof."
That ass tried to suicide bait that kid over there into jumping off a roof.
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using suicide to gain someones attention or pity
"i was ignoring jay until he threatened to kill himself, it was total suicide bait."
121👍 71👎
Encouraging someone to commit suicide
That jerk was trying to suicide bait some other kid into committing suicide.
26👍 20👎