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Suicide by Covid

Noun, /ˈs(j)u ɪˌsaɪd/ /baɪ/ /ˈkoʊvɪd/

The act of intentionally refusing inoculation in order to die a horrible death on a hospital ventilator while your friends and family watch helplessly and abuse hospital staff who are trying to help you. Similar to suicide by cop, suicide by COVID allows the suiciding individual to entirely shift the blame and responsibility for their own suicide.

Motivations for suicide by COVID vary and can be complex, but here are the top reasons:

1. To own the libs
2. To prove you're a lion and not a sheeple
3. To get away from your spouse and children, forever
4. To be a human sacrifice for the orange MAGA god (who has wholly replaced the Christian god for MAGA believers)
5. To further burden our overtaxed healthcare system and in the process use as many Medicare dollars as humanly possible before dying because socialism is only bad for minorities and the poor but socialism is a good thing when conservatives are on the receiving end.
6. To die a martyr in the MAGA war against science and reality

As for etymology, suicide by COVID first appeared in June of 2021, when vaccinations became widely available. It derives from suicide by cop with COVID replacing cop as the instrument of suicide.

I saw on Facebook that Uncle Bubba just died on a ventilator. He committed suicide by COVID, 'cause he wasn't no sheeple. He owned them libtards real good. Praise Trump!

by dustyoracle December 20, 2021

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