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Suk Mai

Suk Mai is the direct translation of the word corn in Cantonese and it is commonly used by people in countries such as West China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Person 1: Bro wanna have some suk mai for lunch?

Person 2: What's suk mai?

Person 1: Suk mai nuts.

by VChewbars innit' July 24, 2022

33👍 2👎

suk mai cok

Suk Mai Cok (n.; v.)
1 n. Slang insult to an Asian persion, usually intending the verb meaning (see definition 2)
2 v. Suck my Cock in an Asian pseudo-language

1. Hey Thao Siu, your name should be Suk Mai Cok
2. Dude, Suk Mai Cok!

by Randor Xeus January 15, 2006

38👍 13👎